In this e-letter, I am going to talk about the “Beginner’s Luck”.
Some people believe that the beginner’s luck exists and it’s very real. But some people don’t believe in it.
How about you? do you believe in it?
Well, let me explain what I mean by the beginner’s luck.
By the beginner’s luck, I mean the cases where a novice starts doing something for the first time, and on the first try he does it better than those who have spent years doing it.
This happens in business and sports all the time. Some people spend years to learn a trade. Then an amateur comes and takes a shot at it… and bam! he or she does it far better than the experts…
You might have experienced that yourself when playing a game or sport for the first time…
But how does that happen ?
And more importantly, how can you repeat it ?
How can you have beginner’s luck all the time, and not only in the beginning?
Well, the beginner’s luck happens for two reasons…
First reason is that the beginners are completely detached. They have no fear of loss, because they have nothing to lose.
Do you remember the true meaning of “Letting Go” that I explained in the previous e-letters?
For the beginner, winning and being successful is a bonus. It’s something cool to have.
But for the most experts, winning is a requirement, because they have been successful before and so anything less than winning is a setback for them.
So for the experts “Letting Go” is not easy. For them winning is a “need”, not a “want”.
So what’s the second reason?
The second reason is being open to opportunities. Beginners are open to each and every opportunity, because they have no experience to reject any new idea or opportunity.
What happens to many experts is that their experience limits their opportunities. They are set in certain ways of thinking. They reject many opportunities right off the bat as impossible. Their knowledge and logical mind blocks them from believing in new possibilities.
So how can you be lucky all the time?
To have the beginner’s luck all the time:
1) Be open to all possibilities and opportunities…
2) Let go. Don’t be attached to the outcome.
If you maintain these two qualities all the time, you can be lucky over and over again.
Some people call it “Luck”, and some call it “Bliss” or “Grace”.
But, it’s all the same… things come to you effortlessly.
Most of the things that we desire may be only few steps away from us, but we just don’t know in which direction.
That’s when you should keep up these two qualities and follow your bliss.
That’ll guide you in the right direction…
Wishing you a blissful life,
Dr Eric Amidi